Les astuces pour expliquer le coronavirus aux enfants !

You can answer children’s questions without minimizing the situation and without dramatizing it. Several people from the city of Wuhan were struck by a mysterious virus in December 2019. Respiratory problems, high fevers, symptoms show that these inhabitants are affected by a new virus: the Coronavirus Covid-19! With a strong contagiousness, it quickly reaches thousands of Chinese. In just a few days, the virus spreads around the world. France is hit hard. We explain everything to children on the Covid-19

Tell the truth without dramatizing

Via: Buzzfil

You can talk about viruses, taking the example of the flu, another solution is to draw a parallel with lice. In a very fun way, you can tell them that there is a real danger of contracting the virus in the same way that lice are a clutter. Except it’s more contagious and more dangerous

What is a Covid-19 Coronavirus?

Via: Buzzfil

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that circulate normally in animals, but can be transmitted to humans. They are likely to be the cause of a wide range of diseases. In humans, these diseases range from the common cold to a severe lung infection, responsible for acute respiratory distress.

How do you get Coronavirus?

Via: Buzzfil

It is transmitted by air, which means that when a person coughs or sneezes, it sends lots of particles. A sick person expels particles that contain the virus. It then contaminates objects and people who are nearby and who will touch or breathe these droplets.

What is a pandemic or an epidemic?

Via: YouTube

A disease is called an epidemic when it affects many people in one corner of the world very quickly. This was the case when the virus was present in China only. A pandemic is when the disease no longer affects a single geographical area but several continents. The pandemic was then global and therefore concerns all countries today.

Can Coronavirus Kill?

Via: Buzzfil

Yes, many people die from Coronavirus, in China but also in Europe and France. However, most of the population recovered completely and fairly quickly from Covid-19. Scientists estimate that about 3 in 100 people can die from it.

Why is it more dangerous?

Via: Buzzfil

The coronavirus is very dangerous and kill many people. There is no treatment yet and it is spreading quickly. Covid-19 is a low-profile, highly contagious virus that progresses to serious forms in some patients and can cause death.

Where does this Coronavirus come from?

Ce n’est pas facile de remonter aux origines précises d’un virus. Ce dont on est sûr, c’est que le COVID-19 est parti de Wuhan,en Chine. Les scientifiques pensent qu’il est parti d’une chauve souris qui l’aurait transmis à un pangolin. Cet animal aurait été vendu sur un marché de Wuhan et le virus qu’il portait a alors été transmis à un premier humain. C’est alors que cet humain en a contaminé d’autres et que le virus s’est propagé.

Existe -il un traitement

Via: Buzzfil

Il n’existe aucun traitement spécifique pour les maladies provoquées par les coronavirus humains. Les traitements sont symptomatiques : prendre des médicaments contre la douleur et la fièvre, se reposer, ne pas sortir.

Comment se protège t-on ?

Via: Buzzfil

To reduce your risk of becoming infected with a coronavirus , wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with hydro-alcoholic solutions when you cannot wash your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when hands are not washed. Avoid contact with sick people, wear a mask.

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